Tuesday, March 26All That Matters

Valerie Banks Was the Only Student to Attend Her Geography Class at South Boston High on the 1st Day of Court-Ordered Busing to Integrate Boston Schools (Sept. 14, 1974)

Valerie Banks Was the Only Student to Attend Her Geography Class at South Boston High on the 1st Day of Court-Ordered Busing to Integrate Boston Schools (Sept. 14, 1974)

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  • subhumean

    I have subbed at this school (well, new name, same building) as of some years ago and it was in bad shape. Classrooms were either boiling or freezing, even getting the windows open was difficult and often dangerous (you had to stand on the sill of a 3rd story sometimes), there were daily fights, students called teachers horrible things, etc.

    And what was before they rolled middle school kids into it as well. I am curious how it’s going now.

  • Blabulus

    GOP are still mad schools are integrated, now they are attacking CRT in order to make sure minority kids feel unwelcome as usual…

  • Max1234567890123

    Just goes to show, when people like to say people are generally good and racists are the exception…

    Let’s be clear, I’m a white guy in my 40s and not perfect by any stretch. My parents came around, but in the 80s-90s were certainly soft core prejudice. My grandparents, let there be no doubt – hardcore racists. By the early 2000s you couldn’t have company around my grandma for fear of some impromptu segue about Jews or ‘orientals’.

  • Max1234567890123

    As a side note, Boston public schools suffered a massive white flight to private Catholic schools. Didn’t work out so well for unrelated reasons…

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