Thursday, April 25All That Matters

The totally normal names of fielding positions in cricket (feat. Square Leg, Silly Mid-Off, Cow Corner and more)

The totally normal names of fielding positions in cricket (feat. Square Leg, Silly Mid-Off, Cow Corner and more)

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  • SquiffyRae

    Should point out these aren’t all used at once. You have a wicket-keeper, a bowler and 9 other fielders spread out. But unlike a lot of sports, positions aren’t fixed. These are roughly the names you’d use to describe someone standing in that general area but they might not be standing right where the dot is.

    It seems crazy but there’s a pattern to it. Anything with deep or long is on the boundary rope, anything mid- or short is closer to the batter. And anything silly is named because you’d be fucking stupid to even dream of standing that close to the bat

  • Conte_Vincero

    Fun fact, Cow Corner is called that because the ball doesn’t go there very often, and so in theory a cow could safely graze there.

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