Wednesday, October 9All That Matters

The Magicians – talking in pop culture references scene

The Magicians – talking in pop culture references scene

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  • PetyrDayne

    This scene had me dying the first time I saw it. Margo, hands down best character and baddest bitch

    Loved this show so much and I’ll never forgive SYFY for ending it early. The one case I’ve seen where the adaptation is far better than the books.

  • DumasThePharaoh

    Just to make sure it didn’t fly over my head, they’re taking in references so their Cersei doesn’t understand (they’re presumable “muggle born” unlike their Cersei)?

  • thebetabruh

    I’m in the middle of a rewatch now and my love for Margo increases with each episode; what a phenomenal character. I think the show as a whole was fairly underrated/under-appreciated but it’ll always be one of my favorites.

  • Velascus

    I went into the Magicians thinking it would be like a CW show, and it ended up being in my top 10 of all time tv shows.

    A Harry Potteresque setting with a modern and a bit more adult twist, fucking amazing characters, good fx, no holding back violence. Dark storylines combined with funny wacky moments. The Margo and Elliot combo is just damned amazing every time they were on screen.

    If you liked Angel or Buffy, give this show a chance. It’s one of the best Scooby gang shows out there.

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