Sunday, April 21All That Matters

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power | Episode 6 Clip

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power | Episode 6 Clip

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  • TheGuineaPig21

    for some reason I get the sense that whoever’s in charge of the action choreography thought that Legolas skateboarding was the *best* part of the Jackson movies

  • jez124

    not the most ideal clip to show off…

    still looking forward to it though. the show should have some pretty epic battles, war scenes over the five scenes. wondering if this southland stuff is gonna be just a sample or something more intense.

  • KakiLangit2579

    weird, prime start showing preview for next episode.. the clip also only get less than 4k in 2 hours.. truly mindblowing stuff…

  • 55Branflakes

    How is one elf gonna hold off an army of orcs long enough for help to come? Remember, the comet scene showed everyone saw the meteor man at the same time, so every place should be the same timeline. Numenor’s 3 ships just left and I’d imagine it takes weeks, if not months to get there.

  • DementedDaveyMeltzer

    Eat your heart out, Peter Jackson. Ten years from now, we will all be looking at *this* as the definitive intepretation of Tolkien’s works and be asking ourselves, “Return of the WHO?”

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