Thursday, April 25All That Matters

The first 10 minutes of Shin Ultraman released on TOHO’s YouTube channel

The first 10 minutes of Shin Ultraman released on TOHO’s YouTube channel

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  • SelloutRealBig

    I love how Japanese movies like this and Shin Godzilla managed to keep the same feel as the original movies using sets and puppets and whatnot while still looking modern with CGI. But i do wish they did something about the monster eyes. They always look so dead and lifeless because they don’t move.

  • alendeus

    This literally feels like live action evangelion, which is both great and normal because it’s directly made by Anno, but he’s also done this thru Shin Godzilla (and obviously through eva/shin eva itself). Maybe he’s gearing up for an actual direct live adaptation some day, but by that point he’ll have already overdone it through other properties.

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