Wednesday, October 9All That Matters

The ancient colosseum in Rome, Italy [OC]

The ancient colosseum in Rome, Italy [OC]

The ancient colosseum in Rome, Italy [OC]

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  • tombaenre

    Hey everyone,

    I took this picture on a vacation in the city of Rome, on a bright sunny day at approx. 37 degrees, haha! I can tell, it was a very hot experience. For anyone who is interested, this picture was taken on a Canon EOS R5 and a EF 16-35mm F4, at 16mm, which barely fits the colosseum. If you’d like to connect, shoot me a DM on Instagram: @tombaenre.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Captcha_Imagination

    Amazing picture, i’ve never seen a shot this good online.

    Are there activities to do there or just walk around and leave?

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