Monday, April 8All That Matters

That Video The Church Of Scientology Tried To Take Down Where Tom Cruise Salutes A Portrait Of Its Dead Founder

That Video The Church Of Scientology Tried To Take Down Where Tom Cruise Salutes A Portrait Of Its Dead Founder

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  • go_comatose_for_me

    Every thing I’ve read about people who have worked with the guy is that he’s super good to work with. Unfailingly positive, professional, etc. But in my head it’s a mix of that, and the fact that he’s fucking crazy.

  • tomveiltomveil

    Why on earth would the Scientologists try to censor this? This looks more like a speech at some civic function than the kind of creepy stuff they’re usually associated with.

  • Vegan_Harvest

    I’m not saying Scientology isn’t kooky at best, but we had a mannequin of a dying guy nailed to a cross in our church. This seems par for course.

  • joseph4th

    I worked with some young guys at my previous job. They told me how right after college graduation from BYU (all clean cut Mormon boys) they had decided on renting a beach house for the summer and relaxing for a few months before starting their lives. It’s not like they didn’t have offers already, they were just all from very well off families and didn’t care.

    However, one offer kept coming back over and over again. It was from a group in the church of Scientology. They eventually offered them am “over the top” amount of money on top of paying them back the money they lost on renting the beach house.

    They flew them out to a bunker outside of Tucumcari, New Mexico where they had a giant room full film canisters contains footage of the late L Ron Hubbard. On these films he was making predictions about the future, only he was playing every position on the field. For example, he would make a prediction about a stock market crash for a certain year, and the same prediction for the next year, and then the same production for the next year, and so on. Then the whole set where he’d predict a stock market rise for that first year, then the same for the next year, and so on.

    It was pretty obvious they were setting something up so that they could cherry pick the collection to show him making all these predictions that came out right.

    The job they did was digitizing and cleaning up the footage. Judging by how he looked, they guessed it was all filmed not long before he died. At a guess I would put them doing this work sometime around 2010.

  • GingerSnapBiscuit

    L Ron Hubbard is literally quoted as saying “You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.”. And then he started a religion. And people went with it, somehow. Fucking nuts.

  • umamiSugarMommy

    Scientology has a caste system and luminaries like actors are elevated and have different ‘rules’ applied based on their level of influence in the public eye. Tom is subject to different treatment and privilege. The purpose is to utilize these influencers to legitimize the message as well as to attract recruits.

    I have briefly read through a few of those higher level secret books and each level explicitly stated that the information within is not to be discussed or shared with any level below that one. Long time ago I did some work for someone pretty high up in the org. Not only did she refuse to pay me, she decided it would be okay to leave the house with me alone with her children as if I would take care of them. (Her office was a home office). So, for spite I went through and browsed some of her little publications in the black binders. My older brother is a Scientologist and his wife is also higher up in the org so I already knew this woman’s position. And I also peeked at some of my brother’s books over the years so I knew what I was looking at. The auditing is basically a situation where they hook you up to a lie detector more or less. Back when I was still speaking to my brother, I think courses were around $20,000 at the time but if you didn’t have the money you could work something out with labor. What’s even worse is that they allowed spouses or relatives to audit their victims, possibly weaponizing intimate details and insecurities to gas light these poor souls into drinking the Kool-Aid so to speak.

    They also determine how easily it would be to indoctrinate new recruits by offering an initial personality test that they describe as something that will help you become one with yourself and more self-aware. Pure Psy-Ops level mind control.

    I will also add as a personal observation, everyone I’ve ever met in this so-called religion is literally a sociopathic narcissist and from what I can tell, it’s pretty much encouraged as you move up through the ranks.

  • Inferior_Jeans

    Tom cruise realized he couldn’t conquer a kingdom of his own. So he joined Scientology. Now he gets to hold the ladle that mixes the koolaid.

  • Drewboy810

    Man, I have no clue what he’s talking about in this clip, but he had me hooked. No question why he’s probably the greatest movie star of all time.

  • eden_of_chaos

    I must post this every single time I see Scientology on the front page.

    Reminder that Shelly Miscavige has not appeared in public since August 2007. The police officer who claims to have met with her and said she is safe was also a guest at several Church of Scientology events. The lawyer that represents the Church of Scientology claims his partner had also personally met with her in 2018, but provided no evidence.

    Shelly Miscavige’s mother, Mary Florence “Flo” Fike Barnett, was a long-time Scientologist. On September 8, 1985, 52-year-old Flo Barnett was found dead from three “somewhat superficial” rifle shots to the chest and a fatal shot to the head. The autopsy also reported that there were slash marks on her wrists that may have been a few days old. The death was ruled a suicide. Shelly Miscavige’s father, Maurice Elliott Barnett, died in 2007.

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