>Synopsis: In this comedic prequel event series to the Ted films, it’s 1993, and Ted the bear’s (Seth MacFarlane) moment of fame has passed. He’s now living back home in Framingham, Massachusetts with his best friend, 16-year-old John Bennett (Max Burkholder), along with John’s parents, Matty and Susan (Scott Grimes and Alanna Ubach) and cousin Blaire (Giorgia Whigham). Ted may be a lousy influence on John, but at the end of the day, he’s a loyal pal who’s always willing to go out on a limb for friendship.
Ah yes, another show nobody asked for because corporate executives with business degrees can’t stand the inherent risk in making something new and fresh. That reminds me – I think we’re do for the 10th Spider-Man reboot.
>Synopsis: In this comedic prequel event series to the Ted films, it’s 1993, and Ted the bear’s (Seth MacFarlane) moment of fame has passed. He’s now living back home in Framingham, Massachusetts with his best friend, 16-year-old John Bennett (Max Burkholder), along with John’s parents, Matty and Susan (Scott Grimes and Alanna Ubach) and cousin Blaire (Giorgia Whigham). Ted may be a lousy influence on John, but at the end of the day, he’s a loyal pal who’s always willing to go out on a limb for friendship.
Ted is just Family Guy the Movie. You can’t make a tv show out of that. We already have that show. It’s Family Guy.
Ted was fine I guess, but the novelty of a whacky kid’s toy who swears kind of wore off for me.
For a hot second I thought Better Off Ted was back.
Peter griffin
Seth McFarlane is milkin it.
Nah I can’t wait for this
I wonder how many pop culture references you can do when you’re a period piece and can’t do anything past the 90s.
Seth MacFarlane makes pretty good content when he’s in full control, always looking forward to a decent comedy
Endless trash.
We get this and not The Orville?
I don’t care what people think I’m excited even ted 2 I found funny.
FYI, the internet was barely a thing in 93 and still in its infancy stage. Streaming wasn’t heard of back then
Edit: some people apparently don’t realize I’m addressing 1993 Ted depicted here writing a letter to 2023 Ted when he talks about streaming services
Edit: yeesh! Can’t a man point out a little history oopie without others acting like I’m trying to ruin a fun slapstick comedy show!? >_<
Japan is losing their minds rn, HUGE Ted heads over there.
I really loved the movies, hoping this is going to be good as well
Cue many, many, many top 40 1993 pop songs crooned by a Seth MacFarlane Ted.
Come on, Peacock. You gotta do more than this
Who is asking for this?
Despite loving American Dad and watching Family Guy I still haven’t seen either ted movie
Why no more Orville??
Seriously the Orville is Seth’s and his teams masterpiece. I want more seasons.
Ted is funny, just not the McFarland show I want right now.
Didn’t they do everything they needed to with that movie?
Taking bets on how many minutes in before Seth is singing
I’m a huge Seth fangirl… as my daughter just said he can do no wrong in my eyes. So I will definitely be watching it.
Ngl this looks like lowbrow fun. Hopefully it’s a 20-25 minute episodes and not hour long dramedy.
Will it be PG… or R?
Ah yes, another show nobody asked for because corporate executives with business degrees can’t stand the inherent risk in making something new and fresh. That reminds me – I think we’re do for the 10th Spider-Man reboot.
Every time I see anything Seth macfarlene related, I can’t help but think about Patrice o Neal’s roast of him during Charlie sheens roast.