Sunday, April 14All That Matters

Some weapon, eh?

Some weapon, eh?

Some weapon, eh?
by u/ListerineAfterOral in gaming

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  • Foxon_the_fur

    I love when they’re also a vendor and I turn around and say “Hey, wanna buy this weapon I just got?” And they happily buy it from me.

  • Swordbreaker925

    This is the problem with loot-based games. They can’t make quest rewards too good or it breaks the loot game.

    What these sorts of situations should do is give you a unique looking weapon for transmog purposes, or give you a weapon that does something unique.

  • ZenMonkey47

    I end up carrying any weapons or armor that are sentimental to NPCs for the whole game even if I don’t use them because I can’t stand making an imaginary person sad.

    Granted, carry weight is the first thing that gets hacked in any game I play.

  • Erthan-1

    Just happened to me in D4.


    “Please take this weapon, it belonged to “x npc”, in this way you will honor her memory”

    “me, making the same NPC that just gave me the weapon break it down into salvage immediately, maybe if her weapon hadn’t been garbage your friend would still be alive”

  • Emzzer

    This always happened in the Elder Scrolls series and some Fallout games.

    The worst part was that you’d get weapons with unique effects (like Daedric) and you couldn’t enchant or modify them.

  • ballisticks

    I played through SWTOR for the first time a few weeks back. There’s a quest in one of the xpacs where you get some supposedly shit-hot lightsaber that gives you an edge to defeat >!Arcann!<, but it was utterly useless and about 50 levels below what I had.

  • requiemofchaos

    This is why I love RPGs that give display cases/racks for gear. I love to put gifted weapons I have no use for on display, because it’s the thought that counts.

  • sonicfan9993

    I see that a few minutes after i was playing Earthbound and that genius Isaac fixed the Broken Air Gun, which if you don’t remember or don’t know, he had from the start of his involvment in the adventure and could not be dropped. So of course it lowered his Offense from the weapon i bought moments ago. By the way, i still can’t get rid of it, guess it’ll be important later (no spoilers!)

  • newbrevity

    Me in every rpg, (customized base weapon)/(random dungeon find)>”special” weapon gifted to me like some kind of honor for completing a task. Half the time it just goes on display if that’s possible.

  • ImFriendsWithThatGuy

    To be fair, if you just saved their whole village without their sacred weapon you probably didn’t need it anyways.

  • christx30

    I was picturing Skyrim.
    “Behold, adventurer. The Bow of Kahless, which slew the evil warlock Primrose, and the fearsom dragon Gnarlfist”. But you look and it has a+2 flame enchant
    Dude, I am a master blacksmith and enchanter. I can fart out a better weapon than that. My bow here can 2 shot a dragon. I’ll do your quest for free, for the fun of it, as long as you don’t burden me with that… thing.

  • Mr_Mimiseku

    There is a quest in the Witcher 3 where you gather materials for the “best blacksmith in novigrad” or some shit.

    Made the sword and it was just significantly worse than my current one. Lol.

  • blankblank89

    New Vegas – Honest Hearts. When you get the She’s Embrace, dude goes “Here, take. Gift, to remind you of visions. Use well. Or sell to curio trader. Either way, says much about you.”

  • jwkdjslzkkfkei3838rk

    *You wield the legendary blade of the Titans, its shards looted from the hoards of the seven dragon gods and reforged in the heart of a dying star.*

    Next expansion:

    “Thank you for returning the shovel I left in the field! Here’s a sword upgrade for you as a reward!”

  • thanksgive

    The best is games with weapon fatigue. Hey thanks for the legendary ancestral weapon, I swung it 10 times and it’s broken

  • Tolkfan

    Imagine an RPG where the itemization is meaningful and works in tandem with the story, rather than being some shallow Borderlands rip-off with color-coded loot that drops like crazy and you have to suck it up like a vacuum cleaner.


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