Monday, October 7All That Matters

School lunch in California (free)

School lunch in California (free)

School lunch in California (free)

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  • Conscious_Deer6668

    California lunch lady here, and this looks a lot like our lunches (Jr. high). All lunches are free in our district.

  • Ordinary_Gazelle2710

    CA resident here- My kids had been saying they had persimmons in the fall as a part of their school lunch. I thought surely not, given the price here- about $1 per fruit. Sure enough one day they came home with persimmons from school!

  • Great_Ad3722

    I work in schools. There’s been a big shift in our California district. Roughly 70% of meals are now made from scratch. Comparing this to my day when everything was in plastic and just reheated (think soggy spicy “crispy” chicken sandwich).

    Edit: 70% of the meals in my school district are made from scratch. I’m not saying that 70% of California school districts in general make their food from scratch. Look up “local control,” school districts are empowered (or hamstrung imo lol) to make the majority of their own decisions with budget allocation and program implementation. Hence the disclaimer: your school lunch experience will vary drastically district to district.

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