Tuesday, April 9All That Matters

Results for r/television’s 2022 Favorite Shows Survey

Results for r/television’s 2022 Favorite Shows Survey

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  • LoretiTV

    GoT still has a huge fanbase. Seems like folks who enjoyed most of the show just stay away from discussing it online based off these numbers.

  • browncharliebrown

    Pachinko and Rehearsal are mega underrated on the list of new shows.
    Also I wish we could just see a list of shows with new seasons this year

  • Spyro_Machida

    Unless I’m mistaken, no anime in the top 75 shows is mad to me. I know AoT and FMAB feature at the every end but I’d honestly have them both in my top ten shows of all time.

    I know my taste in shows isn’t drastically different either as I’ve watched 22 of the top 25 fully, and the only one out of the top 25 I haven’t see any of is The Expanse.

  • Nic_Claxton

    I love both sopranos and the wire, but it’s crazy to me how many more people prefer the wire

    I didn’t believe the sopranos hype but damn after finishing that show, it’s the closest to perfect I could ever rate a show

    The wire just isn’t able to >!keep some of their characters interesting. By the end of season 2, I really couldn’t care less for Ziggy or Frank. And season 3, Marlo is so un-fleshed out that he’s just there, doing nothing and pissing Avon off!<

    Season 4 of the wire maybe the best season of any television show ever with all that said though

  • Khiva

    Look at 1899 sitting at number 12 as favorite new shows among Redditors, ahead of all those shows that have gotten renewals.

    Conclusive proof that Netflix doesn’t know the first thing about how to run a business.

  • nayapapaya

    Genuinely shocked to see Our Flag Means Death do so well. It’s a great show but not one I would expect this sub to be into.

  • imiszach

    Severance and Andor are the only shows on the list I’ve seen, as well as like half an episode of Wednesday. I really liked Severance and Andor has probably become my new favorite show, but I didn’t think Wednesday was great, from what I’ve seen, although I didn’t see enough to form a solid opinion. I feel like really should have seen many more shows on that list since everyone’s talking about them

  • RunDNA

    Seeing as how I love 9 out of the 10 top shows, all except for Succession which I haven’t seen, then I guess I’ll be watching that next.

  • Ace_FGC

    I wanna watch game of thrones since I actually don’t know anything about it but hearing about how the ending ruins the whole thing really puts me off of it

  • LiterallyKesha

    Top 10 of all time is mostly the same except Better Call Saul has moved up significantly and Succession now broke through. Both are 2 of my favorite shows so well deserved.

  • Bombadil2_BombHarder

    I’d be interested in seeing like a spreadsheet or something with the full results, all the way down to the stuff that got one or two votes

  • bahumat42

    I expect to see BCS to drop out of the top 3 next year, i think its that high for recency bias, its good but not second best show good.

    I also missed this survey again.

  • KingEuronIIIGreyjoy

    Is there a link for the full results? My top favorite show missed the Top 100 (which I totally expected), and I want to see where it landed.

  • IMovedYourCheese

    71% male. Median age 32. That’s perfectly sums up the survey results and really all the discussions and opinions you see on this sub.

    The response to every “why did <service> cancel <show>?!!” should simply be – there are other demographics out there with different tastes.

  • dangerislander

    I don’t like these lists because there are so many great and amazing shows out there that people simply don’t watch. If anything these lists just indicate how popular a show is – which I guess is the point.

  • OneAnimeBatman

    Would it be possible to see the spreadsheet results in full like last year? I’d be interested to know what’s outside the top 100.

  • CountVertigo

    Huh – I don’t think I’ve ever had a year with so few picks in the new shows top 50. No sign of This Is Going To Hurt, Life After Life or WeCrashed. I appreciate two of those probably haven’t travelled outside the UK and the third is led by one of the internet’s least favourite actors, but still, it’s a strange feeling.

    On the plus side, much bigger proportion of female voters this year. (25.6%, up from 13-15% in previous years.)

  • Obversa

    I’m glad to see HBO’s *Minx* make the “Top 50 New Shows of 2022” list! I feel it’s underappreciated.

    I’d be curious to see a “Top 50 Foreign Shows / Animes” (all-time and of 2022) category added.

  • ChaserNeverRests

    Very interesting that the average age of people who voted is 33, but sad that less than a third of voters are women (though could be worse).

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