Monday, June 17All That Matters

Registered Nurses daily logs

Registered Nurses daily logs

Registered Nurses daily logs
by u/dil_mangoes in funny

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  • yParticle

    Hospital probably still billed patient for the rejected medication, after completely refusing to administer it testicularly.

  • LightningTF2

    So an Asian man’s inner monologue Is a black woman? Personally my inner monologue voice sounds like Samuel L Jackson but to each their own.

  • DisastrousBeautyyy

    Hospital employees have a tough enough job. Folks need to show some appreciation instead of ignorance! Sometimes it is comical how ridiculous they can get though…

  • shutout81

    I feel for Healthcare workers. Put up with alot and not paid enough to do it.

    I remember one time coming out of surgery and waking up, I had so much pain and had no idea what was going on. I did not react well to the nurses who were touching me. I wound up pushing this small twig of a nurse pretty hard (I’m a big guy.)

    I felt so bad when I fully came to and realized what was going on. I apologized profusely to her. She wound up being my best nurse during my stay.

  • Niborus_Rex

    Yup. I love my job, but I’ve been scratched, bitten, peed/pooped/puked on, cursed out, threatened, walked in on a man masturbating in a puddle of his own urine and had my breasts and butt grabbed more often than I can count. To be fair, I work on a closed ward in psychogeriatrics. (Dementia, brain damage, heavy psychiatric disorders, usually a combo).

    Still wouldn’t change it for the world, though, but it does take a special type of person to work as a nurse.

  • Stoopiddogface

    Direct quotes FTW…

    Noted Pt to be standing on bed yelling at ED staff. RN attempt to reorient Pt to behavioral and safety guidelines, requested Pt sit on bed for safety. pt states “eat my cunt you fat bitch or ill fuck your hair off”

    MD notified, orders to follow.

    …Paint the picture

  • Waldron1943

    I got my left hip replaced recently. When they took me from recovery to my room the recovery room nurse was bringing the ward nurse up to speed on me:

    “Yeah, no real problems; he just had his left hip replaced…”

    I was about half out of it but when I heard that I sat bolt upright in bed and said:


    I could see the one nurse’s face and she went from zero to terror in about half a second. I couldn’t see the other nurse’s face but the first one said the color just drained right out of her. I only let them hang for about two seconds and said “Nah, I’m just messing with you…that’s the correct one.”

    The next shift nurse came in and said “So you’re the one who likes to scare nurses!”

  • whoknewidlikeit

    we had a jail inmate in our ER one day with a deputy. he was… not polite.

    several times he addressed one of our nurses as “you f***ing bitch”. he also demanded pain meds (i think he had a kidney stone).

    she pulled the drape open and said “fucking bitch doesn’t have pain meds. ma’am has pain meds.”. she strolled.

    about 15 minutes later came “ma’am can i have something for pain?”

    message delivered.

  • Sunshinehappyfeet

    I took an oath to care for my patients. But I won’t hesitate to call security/police on aggressive/abusive visitors.

  • G_Unit_Solider

    I won’t lie anytime I’m told to take Tylenol or advil to monitor the pain by a doctor I’m just like ok so it’s nothing major good to know. I disregard the Advil and Tylenol all the time advil deez nuts if I don’t need the good stuff it’s not that big of a deal I’ll muster thru and save my liver the work.

  • ihate_eggplant

    I work at a Plasma Donation Center and when donors get deferred for a multitude of things we have to explain why.

    One guy got deferred because he kept making inappropriate comments (not sexually) to one of our reception techs and was making her uncomfortable. So my boss spoke to him and said “can you stop?” Apparantly he said…”Ummm..”

    So the note was written as “Donor has been deferred as he was uncertain of his ability of to refrain from making deragatory remarks to employees.”

  • boastfulbadger

    I was in the hospital for about 3 months. I could here people yell at the nurses. Some nurses would get turned away because of their religion or sex. They have it hard.

  • Kreddit022

    I have a deep respect and admiration for nurses. I have a had many surgeries over the years, and I always make sure that my nurses know how thankful I am for them. ❤️❤️

  • sailphish

    People laugh, but this is EXACTLY what it’s like to work in healthcare. I love quoting patients in my medical records.

  • Fragrant-Answer9729

    I’ve been a nurse 16 years and this is the first year I haven’t been assaulted…. Because I had a breakdown and left the profession.

  • daveashaw

    My understanding is that this is mostly Emergency Department stuff. Sometimes it’s inevitable. I woke up from an 18-day coma in state of ICU psychosis and was, apparently, less than cooperative. I have no memory of it but, at some point, I did tell the staff that the hospital had permission to execute me, and they should bring me a paper to sign to that effect. Luckily my wife was there the whole time and they put me on Seroquel and things got much better. The point I’m making is that some people are just assholes but some people are legitimately bonkers.

  • Neomaximus001

    Yes it is a usual occurrence, my experience would be “Patient was aggressive with staff attempting to provide care and stated RN should “go fuck yourself!” Will continue to monitor for pain and comfort”.

  • MizzieTx

    I work in nutrition in the hospital and my documentation is more like “educated nurse on why chicken is not part of vegetarian diet” or “informed RN that mashed potatoes would not be sent to patient because they are on a clear liquid diet” 😂

  • nch1307

    I love the patients that look relaxed, watching tv, and ALWAYS state pain 10/10. “The only thing that works is Dilaudid.” Which, of course the doctor hasn’t ordered.

  • Resident_Platypus_18

    *hospital charges patient 400 dollars for Tylenol* *insurance covers 350 so you only pay 50 dollars for Tylenol*

  • DiogenesTheShitlord

    I am a teacher at a school for kids who have emotional disturbances and I have to write data which is almost just like this haha

  • CronkinOn

    When you need to make lognotes for your job, you very quickly learn when to use direct quotes as CYA.

    Any job that requires vast amounts of CYA lognotes should come with a significant pay bump, but instead it’s usually the opposite.

  • Squirrel_Grip23

    I remember working in disability and having an absolute ball writing the evening reports. “Staff tried to explain to Georgina the value of using a pad during the menstrual cycle. Client appeared to acquiesce but this was a false indicator as client decided to insert pad into her vagina before throwing her now blood soaked pad at staffs head. Staff ducked.”

  • snuffles00

    I work in psych so I live for the narrative charting. My favorite battle seasoned crusty nurse who takes shit from no one likes to chart gems like: patient stated “your a fucking cunt bitch and I will take these pills and ram them down your throat” writer educated importance of pills and stated would return in 30 mins to retry attempt. Or patient stated, “you can’t step on my 100 babies that are all over this room” writer attempted education on invisible babies and provided reality based feedback. Another is patient reports “I’m having a oculogyric crisis”. Patient is stable and able to follow directions. This is the patients 10th report today of symptoms of same. Followed care plan in regards to recommended intervention. Psych is a whole nother world. Oh I can’t forget the time where we had a Jesus battle. Two psychotic patients both thought they were Jesus and were on the unit at the same time. Both non violent. They would get into some pretty interesting psychotic debates on why they were actually the real Jesus.

  • SpentSquare

    If Tylenol didn’t cost $500 at the hospital, maybe more people would be grateful to receive it. No excuse to treat a nurse like crap, but a big reason folks are mean at hospitals is money.

  • EdmonDantes32

    These are exactly like the student behavioural notes you have to make as a high school teacher.

    “Asked student to move seats due to being disruptive. Student stood and called me a “gay f*g” and left the room riding a broom”

  • Frankiedafuter

    Doctors talk shit to them.
    Patients talk shit to them.
    Patients families talk shit to them.
    Fucking nurses should kick them all in the privates and demand more money.

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