Friday, September 20All That Matters

Pls help a conversation start about an obscure classic that gets no love….

Pls help a conversation start about an obscure classic that gets no love….

Pls help a conversation start about an obscure classic that gets no love….

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  • Vain711

    First time I played this game, I rented it from Blockbuster. I know. I’m old. Tried it cuz I loved Secret of Mana. Great game with a cool story.

  • DubbelDragon

    I loved this game in high school and wish there had been a sequel. My only complaint is that it wasn’t two-player compatible like SoM.

  • Boccs

    I still have my copy buried away with all my other SNES games somewhere. Loved the hell out of this game and still, to this day, hate the fucking Rat King boss

  • Khalbrae

    As a kid I was super disappointed that it didn’t have co-op like Mana did. I was looking forward to playing with friends and those dreams were crushed.

  • abougadaba

    “Well as ‘Dusty’ Duffy McGander says in ‘Perilous Patrol over Pluto’: ‘We may not have a rat’s chance in a room full of cats… but we’re gonna go after that cheese.”

  • ledlin99

    I love this game. The dog mechanic (sniffing out ingredients/hidden objects) was a real time saver.
    Being able to set the dog aggression level was cool.

    I love how the MC always interjects with quotes from made up sci fi movies.

    Beat this game multiple times, amazing game with an OG concept.

  • bykfiend42

    The dog turns into a toaster. I played this before Secret of Mana, so when I finally got to SoM I thought it was too similar to Evermore…

  • Kaizen321

    I’m a huge secret of mana fanboi. Played it and beat it MULTIPLE times over the years.

    And I’ve played and tried to like this game yet I just can’t get over the combat. I know SoM has a clunky combat system but this one…I just can’t.

    It’s very unfortunate cus I love the premise and setting of the game.

    Am I too smooth brain? 🧠

  • hithere21222

    It’s so good and so under appreciated. Secret of Mana is looked at as a classic and no one knows about this one

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