Friday, April 12All That Matters

Picking up his buddy from the airport

Picking up his buddy from the airport

Picking up his buddy from the airport from funny

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  • TactlesslyTactful

    Reminds me of a prank we pulled on our friend before he set off on a cross country move in his car

    As he left we slapped a bumper sticker on his car that said


    We called and told him a few hours after he left. All he said was

    “I was wondering why everyone was honking and waving at me”


  • cswee1080

    My now wife and I stuck a bumper sticker on my buddies minivan that said “Boner Donor”… He didn’t think it was as funny as we did…😁

  • CryonautX

    Buddy still in the friendzone. He’s dropping hints left and right but his buddy keeps thinking it’s all just for laughs.

  • night-shark

    Dear straight men: I know most of you don’t make these jokes intending to be hateful to gay people. I know plenty of amazing and accepting straight guys who still sometimes slip into these jokes. I’m not questioning your intent.

    But as a gay guy, this shit will always sting because the obvious implication of the joke is that it’s SO EMBARRASSING for people to think you’re a gay man.

    And you might say “So what. Get over it. You’re so easily offended.” – Understand, I don’t speak out about these things for myself. I’m an adult who is secure in my identity and I’m in a healthy, emotionally stable place. I speak out about this for the 13 year old who is just realizing that he might be gay, whose traveling through that airport with his homophobic parents. Whose friends constantly “joke” about being gay as if it is something embarrassing. As if it’s something NO ONE would want advertised to the world. That 13 year old living in a world where that message is CONSTANTLY FUCKING REINFORCED.

    That 13 year old sees this joke and I fucking guarantee you he doesn’t think this is funny.


    Some dishonest and overly sensitive people are building strawmen and trying to accuse me of saying that jokes about being gay are inherently offensive or off limits. I never said that. Straight men can joke about gay men in plenty of contexts. Comedy is a skill and a good comedian – gay, straight, or otherwise, can often thread the needle even with with offensive jokes. What I’m saying is that this PARTICULAR JOKE is a problem and I’ve explained why.

  • El_Tigre_818

    I used to make jokes like this until I realized that statistically I probably have friends who are still in the closet, and I was probably hurtful to them without even knowing. I didn’t want to be the guy that hurt my friends with my stupidity.

  • geven87

    hahaha strait bros call each other gay to make fun of each other because gay is ookie and gross and weird hahaha

    edit: thanks for the support. when the same post was crossposted over to yesyesyesno and people including me pointed out there was no punchline other than homophobia, we were all downvoted. according to that sub, homophobia doesn’t even exist. just gonna retire from that sub.

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