Tuesday, November 19All That Matters

[Peru] After lossing at the final match as local to Universitario de Deportes (who got the peruvian championship at that moment), Alianza Lima Club turned off the light of their stadium in order to frustrate the celebration of his rival. Endagering the security of thousands of poeple.

[Peru] After lossing at the final match as local to Universitario de Deportes (who got the peruvian championship at that moment), Alianza Lima Club turned off the light of their stadium in order to frustrate the celebration of his rival. Endagering the security of thousands of poeple.

[Peru] After lossing at the final match as local to Universitario de Deportes (who got the peruvian championship at that moment), Alianza Lima Club turned off the light of their stadium in order to frustrate the celebration of his rival. Endagering the security of thousands of poeple.

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