Friday, October 4All That Matters

NGC 7000 – North America Nebula Mosaic [4250×3045]

NGC 7000 – North America Nebula Mosaic [4250×3045]

NGC 7000 – North America Nebula Mosaic [4250×3045]

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  • coldice0r

    Four panel narrowband image (SHO), lower Austria.


    * ZWO ASI 1600mm
    * SHO 7nm filters
    * ZWO ASI 120mm
    * Skywatcher EQ5
    * TS Optics 71SDQ
    * EFW
    * ZWO EAF


    * Lights: 15x180s for each filter and panel (180 images)
    * Bias: 60 frames

    Workflow, Pixinsight:

    * Stack Images
    * Stitch Mosaic
    * Crop Images and Star Alignment
    * DBE
    * Magenta remove with pixelmath
    * EZ Denoise, Decon
    * HistogramTransformation
    * Ha as Luminance Layer added
    * Curves


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