Sunday, March 31All That Matters

KNIGHTS OF THE ZODIAC – Official Trailer (HD)

KNIGHTS OF THE ZODIAC – Official Trailer (HD)

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  • glowingdeer78

    This movie came out of left field for me.

    I want to say it has potential but anime adaptations have been… not good

  • KingMario05

    …I am now starting to realize why Sony hasn’t been promoting this all that much, lol. ***Jesus,*** this looks… not great.

    ^(Sean Bean is trying, though. Points for that, I guess?)

  • BirdOfHermess

    “huh what’s this?”

    “wait wait, Athena?”


    what the fuck is happening?

    it kinda looks ass? oh my god sony, why?

    Is this what we get for memening DragonBall to hell and back?

  • EditorVFXReditor

    Director of the Witcher games/cut scenes, he did some brilliant stuff in the past. Because of that, I will forget this trailer and give him a shot!

  • Comic_Book_Reader

    >Based on the international anime sensation, Knights of the Zodiac brings the Saint Seiya saga to the big screen in live-action for the first time. Seiya (Mackenyu), a headstrong street teen, spends his time fighting for cash while he searches for his abducted sister. When one of his fights unwittingly taps into mystical powers he never knew he had, Seiya finds himself thrust into a world of warring saints, ancient magical training and a reincarnated goddess who needs his protection. If he’s to survive, he will need to embrace his destiny and sacrifice everything to take his rightful place among the Knights of the Zodiac.

  • OldLebaneseNerd

    TRIVIA :

    most of my young life, i only knew it as CHEVALIERS DU ZODIAC since we only had anime in french and i have to say, the french people take the dubs seriously and much better than dubs, this and dragon ball are elite, Vegeta btw has an amazing V.O that delivers.

  • davesthread

    Father of a girl who is being hunted… played by Sean Bean? Ya, he going to die.

    Biggest twist in this film would be if he didn’t!

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