Friday, September 27All That Matters

Kayaking the sickest urban river in Australia

Kayaking the sickest urban river in Australia

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  • Ergotnometry

    Where did this guy park that he had to walk all the way around the bay from Mrs. Macquarie’s Chair, all the way to the Sidney Opera House?


    fuck ya new Bean video!

    If you haven’t heard of this guy his videos are great. Check out the 24 hour mile every hour run vid!

  • ImmovableRice

    I love beau’s videos. I don’t know how I discovered him, but when I did I binge watched through all his videos.

  • FabulouslyFrantic

    This was an awesome watch!

    The biggest river that runs through Bucharest (Romania’s capital) is the Dâmbovița. It starts high in the mountains, where it runs clear and cold and sparkles with thick deposits of mica that it carries downstream, across the country, and into the city.

    Somewhere along the way it loses all the sparkle…

    It gets strong, and wide, and filthy. And it runs through Bucharest in an unkempt canal that is currently green due to algae blooms.

    In winters it freezes, and you can see birds sitting on the ice in groups – seagulls have long colonised Bucharest, despite it being 250km from the sea.

    On warm days there’ll be fishermen on its banks dangling hooks while sitting in car exhaust fumes, as there are wide boulevards running alongside its entire length. Impoverished kids swim in it, despite the signs warning against the practice.

    I’d like to see some trace of the strong, sparkling mountain river in this lazy canal, but most I see is a ‘lucky’ fisherman, or a flock of ducks.

  • chuckagain

    i went for an ill-advised downwind paddle in botany bay a couple of days after the february rains, that ended just inside the cooks river.

    About 500m from the river the already brown water of botany bay changed to a slick deep brown, and the smell was nauseating despite the 25kn wind.

    I fell in close to the finish, and got an ear infection.

    8/10 cause its still downwind and downwind is fun.

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