Thursday, April 11All That Matters

I’ve been taking a photo of myself every day for the past 14 1/2 yrs. I just completed part 2 of my daily photo project.

I’ve been taking a photo of myself every day for the past 14 1/2 yrs. I just completed part 2 of my daily photo project.

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  • dongxipunata

    This is amazing and deserves a lot more views! There might be some ways you can optimize this for the Youtube audience.

    The meat of the video, the idea is masterfully executed!
    But Attention spans are short.

    If you drop the title sequence at the beginning, go straight to the “Here we go” and start off with the main gimmick of the video that would do wonders for audience retention.

    Drop the small text on the thumbnail, maybe just a crop of your face to 16:9. Go with a title more like “I Took A Photo Every Day For 14 Years” or even “Michael Takes A Photo Every Day” and I could see this absolutely taking off in the YouTube algorithm.

  • noobvin

    So, I liked watching some t-shirts go in and out of rotation. Specifically noticed a Superman t-shirt that was in rotation a lot then left 1/3 of the way through. The OBEY t-shirt was a favorite for awhile. Towards the end, I saw quite a bit of Rick and Morty.

    I was happy every time the twirled mustache left and the rat-tail beard thing, which would go an roar back. Interesting experimentation with the head hair. I’m in the middle of that right now.

    All in all, I like the video a lot.

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