Monday, March 25All That Matters

It’s not about the nail!

It’s not about the nail!

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  • ArrogantlyChemical

    Theres going to be tons of terminally reddit brain comments saying how this somehow proves men are rational and women suck or something, when in reality this sketch is just to illustrate how some people just want to share their emotional state with people as a form of processing, while being fully capable of solving the issue. How sometimes you don’t need someone dictating possible solutions to you, but what you sometimes need is just to share stuff with people. Its not about the nail.

  • quietly41

    I wish my dad could watch this and understand. Tell him a problem, he’s got a solution, or advice, or knowledge, or criticism of how I’m dealing with the problem. If someone wants your advice, they’ll often ask for it when they’re done, often times they are looking for empathy or just want to say these things out loud to someone so that they know others know. Great video for empathy for anyone interested

  • WhoopsDroppedTheBaby

    I just realized this is the same woman in the new Top Gun! Been a while since I’ve seen this. She has come a long way!

  • nowhereiswater

    I’ve met women like this. Without that nail. Just listen no comments, your issues I will drill you from years from the past to present day whenever I’m pissed at you.

  • DrAlanGrantinathong

    Surprisingly accurate. A Woman can spill her problems, and there be an OBVIOUS solution, but you can’t dare bring it up. Nope, and she will just keep dealing with the same problem and never fix it.

  • Casteway

    This is the problem I’ve always had with “I don’t want you to try to solve my problems, I just want you to listen”. Like, yeah, ok. I’ll definitely listen, but if I know a way to help you, wouldn’t you want to know??? I sure as hell would, if you the roles were reversed and you had a way to help me!

  • TNTinRoundRock

    Whenever my wife vents I listen and my first question is “you want me listening’ or you want me fixing ? “

  • Helenasnyder29

    The man’s point of view in this: he sees the problem and how to fix it, but the woman won’t listen and refuses to fix it.

    The woman’s point of view in this: she knows what the problem is and probably how to fix it. However the problem itself stresses her out and is causing a lot of other problems. She just needs to vent her frustration and look at it with a clear mind so she can actually fix the problem.

    Not every problem can be fixed by someone else. Nor should it be. Sometimes people just want to be heard and understood. They want to feel validated. But most importantly they might want to sort through the mental aspect so that the problem doesn’t happen again.

    Sometimes you just need to talk through the frustrations so that you have a clear mind to see what caused the problem, how to properly fix the problem, and how to prevent the problem from happening again.

  • Asleep-Range1456

    Reverse the roles:

    Guy:. My stomach feels kinda not awesome.

    Girl:. Well you know that….

    Guy:. No, it’s so bad, it’s definitely not awesome, like I’m going to die not awesome.

    Girl: well you did eat 15 extra spicy hot wings with a quart of cottage cheese chased by three margaritas, whiskey and a shot of fire ball….that was awesome.

    Guy:. It’s hurts soooo bad!

    Girl:. Want some Pepto?

    Guy:. Yes, thanks, you’re SOOO awesome!

  • Prying_Pandora

    This video would’ve been better if at the end the reveal was that the man was a hammer.

    To a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

    Then it’s a more even representation of each side’s perspective.

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