Saturday, April 20All That Matters

Interview with the guy who fought the LA Chase Suspect with a knife & got his truck stolen – Let’s get this guy a new truck Reddit!

Interview with the guy who fought the LA Chase Suspect with a knife & got his truck stolen – Let’s get this guy a new truck Reddit!

View Reddit by GeronimoRayView Source


  • FlatulentWallaby

    Honestly, fuck GoFundMe. Why should working people without much to spare have to take the burden of helping others? Literally any car company could give this guy a car and they’d make more money in the press for it than most of us make in a year. Stop putting the burden of helping others on people who are at the same socioeconomic level and start pressuring billion dollar companies to do their part.

    Edit: Consider this. Instead of donating money, people start directly calling out companies to be charitable. The second a company donates a car or money or whatever, everyone gives them praise and publicity.


    People continue to give the money themselves and the companies that have the money and resources to fix these problems see they don’t have to lift a finger because other people will do it for them.

    This is the reason companies advertise “Getting paid in tips” as a benefit when they could just pay their workers a livable wage and not put the responsibility on the people.

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