Tuesday, April 9All That Matters

I hate seeing people torture animals for views. Guy glues sea life to fresh water turtles and scrapes it off, pretending to help them.

I hate seeing people torture animals for views. Guy glues sea life to fresh water turtles and scrapes it off, pretending to help them.

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  • Batmanlover1

    That’s terrible but please don’t link to it.

    If you watch the video you’re just giving him more views.

    What I would do would be to start a campaign on change. Org I think, and see if you can get this person shut down.

  • zanemn

    This shit has been popping up on my recommended watch list for God’s knows what reason. You can literally see him peeling shell off in some of the videos. Fuck this asshole. And fuck all the copycats that will soon follow.

  • wanderinggoat

    that and the channel with the same cat that gets rescued from an assortment of drains , rivers and obviously terrible situations.


    and if you hate it so much why are you pushing people too this video?

  • Stahlregen

    It’s infuriating seeing all the morons in the comments of these videos congratulating him for ‘helping’ not realising how it’s obviously a hoax.

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