Sunday, September 15All That Matters

How Primitive Building Videos Are Staged

How Primitive Building Videos Are Staged

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  • GlassPanther

    There are only a handful of legit primitive videos out there.. and the best ones are made by the primitive technologies guy because you can literally watch this fucker build a mansion out of dirt.

  • L_I_L_B_O_A_T_4_2_0

    Me and a couple of friends unironically know and refer to John Plant by name as a reference of how many things should be done.

    doing things “john plant style”, “that’s not how john plant would do it”

  • amerett0

    Everything tangibly doable will have knockoff imitations for clicks and views make the internets go round & around.

  • stinkerb

    How they fooled anyone in the first place is mind blowing, let alone 500m people falling for this obvious fake shit.

  • SheldonvilleRoasters

    Don’t the fake channels cost a lot of money to produce? They need to scout around, find the land, negotiate with the owner on an appropriate lease price, then coordinate all the equipment and materials that are trucked in (including water).

    So how much money do these videos generate in revenue? Is it so much that they can get seed money from investors for the initial videos and hire a social media marketing team to push the video to get the views it takes to cover the costs?

    Also, how would you even pitch this to investors? I’d love to be a fly on the wall in that meeting.

  • lolheyaj

    they know they’re caught, this isn’t the first video on this topic. But they still get millions of views. they won’t stop until that stops, which means they probably won’t stop.

    Edit: not taking sides or saying this shouldn’t be on YouTube. Just that this was already known and hasn’t deterred their popularity. If anything they’ve become more popular since the initial revelation.

  • jbroost

    Reminds me of all those fake animal rescue videos. Also super staged and so many people somehow manage not to realize it’s all being faked.

  • huxtiblejones

    Man, I was very worried this was gonna dunk on Primitive Technology as a faker and I was pretty depressed. Glad to know he’s authentic because his videos are impressive and… therapeutic to watch? There’s an entire subreddit called /r/primitivetechnology where people try to do similar stuff to John Plant.

    Those other videos are clearly fake, but it’s kind of hilarious and sad how many idiots believe them.

  • RPBN

    This is an untapped gold mine for parody.


    Get a dinosaur costume for the excavator then have the operator dress up like Fred Flintsone while he digs the hole.

    Normal tools with sticks and rocks sloppily duct taped to them.

    Cut from the jean short guy furiously digging a hole with a stick to an actual swimming pool in someone’s yard.

    Randomly add Minecraft digging in the middle of the video for a couple of seconds.

    And pointless concrete harvesting from a “concrete bag tree.”

  • Honey-Badger

    Whilst this email from the camera man is likely accurate to how these videos are made, it feels weird that there’s no evidence presented to say this email is legit. Like, dont get me wrong these primitive tech videos from SEA are *obviously* fake, I just dont like this debunking video going on about all the evidence he has when his main evidence is ‘this guy emailed me saying hes a camera man’

  • antsugi

    It’d be nice if he stuck to the more compelling evidence that takes 5 minutes to show up instead of an “anonymous tip email” or “friend of good YouTuber” as his introductory argument on legitimacy.

    There’s plenty of real evidence, just stick with that instead.

    This is one of those 10min mark kinda videos

  • call-now

    I immediately questioned the narrator’s judgment when he entered a YouTube comment saying “I know this guy” into evidence.

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