Friday, April 12All That Matters

Have you ever called Wrestling Fake?

Have you ever called Wrestling Fake?

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  • PansexualEmoSwan

    I’ve never been a pro wrastlin’ kinda guy, but I’d say “staged” is a more accurate term because even though punches are often pulled, there is still a shitload of damage that these guys endure just to entertain a crowd

  • blunsr

    I have called it fake…. Though the term has currently come around to mean it’s ‘less than something… not good’, I wasn’t intending that. As is it is more frequently referred to, my intention was to say it’s predetermined.

    These are some of the toughest athletes out there. Doing some of the most damage for doing the most work for the least pay. I’ve been a hockey goalie all my life, and I’d rather have the puck bouncing off my mask, then do the crazy shi! these athletes do in (& out of) the ring.

  • Jayce86

    Scripted is the correct term. It’s a show between two HIGHLY trained athletes who put their lives in each other’s hands. Consider it a full contact play where the actors are world class athletes who have trained to take falls and avoid hurting their partner.

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