Friday, October 11All That Matters

Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich

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  • WeirdAvocado

    Burnt bread, cheese not melted, still acting like this grilled cheese wasn’t complete shit. I’ve made better grilled cheese sandwiches with Kraft singles and wonder bread.

  • king-krab5

    I feel like if he used less bread, and flipped it cheese side down for a few seconds it could have been better. But this was just burnt bread and not melted cheese.

  • 11015h4d0wR34lm

    The whole celebrity chef thing is a piss take, crapping on like everything they make is the be all and end all of good tasting food, they can fuck right off and this video here shows how half of them cant even make a fucking simple cheese melt.

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