Monday, April 15All That Matters

Goodwill opened a store in my city for gamers.

Goodwill opened a store in my city for gamers.

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  • GalacticDystopia

    Goodwill ***used*** to be good for finding collectable stuff for cheap.

    Around 2008 or so they discovered reselling markets and started selling games on eBay and Amazon.

    I remember a guy in my city that got a job as a Goodwill sorter for the sole and only reason of being able to pick out the good shit he wanted and left the store with the crap. He got fired because a new hire wanted to do the same thing and got butthurt when he found out someone beat him to the scheme.

    Even aside from all this, Goodwill is a trash company and no one who wishes to remain of valued opinion will shop there

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