Tuesday, April 9All That Matters

Final Bill of Kidney Transplant in Oklahoma USA. With Obamacare (Medicare for all)

Final Bill of Kidney Transplant in Oklahoma USA. With Obamacare (Medicare for all)

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  • Kahless01

    they wanted me to pay 750 just to get a ct scan to see how bad my kidney stones were. with insurance. couldnt afford it so 3 years later still having issues.

  • Genuinely_perplexed

    Whenever someone posts a pic about a US medical bill, I’m convinced the people who create the invoices just throw dice. I have a hard time believing if you got an itemised bill for each service any of this would add up. It’s either that or they’ve let a cat play on their keyboard. US medicine finance seems like they play with Monopoly money.

  • TurtleVision8891

    People with end stage renal (kidney) disease (OP since he needed a transplant) qualify for Medicare:
    “ESRD Medicare covers a range of services to treat kidney failure. In addition, you will also have coverage for all the usual services and items covered by Medicare. To be eligible for ESRD Medicare, you must be under 65 and diagnosed with ESRD by a doctor.”

  • FlightAble2654

    I had a heart transplant 8 years ago now, which cost zero. I had great insurance. But now the medications I take cost me 600$/month. That is with Medicare and gap insurance. But I am alive and had the joy of welcoming 5 grand kids to the family. If not for surgery, I would be long gone.

  • WittyWitWitt

    *donate 1 kidney you are a hero, 2 you are dead, 3 you are a felon*

    Edit: I’m not the guy who thought of this and I can’t remember where I heard it to give credit.

  • CainIsmene

    “Obamacare” and “Medicare for all” are two separate things, neither of which are what you’re probably thinking they are.

    “Obamacare” is a derogatory name for the Affordable Healthcare Act. The law only established a federally sponsored **healthcare** **insurance** program. It doesn’t affect anything about the medical industry, other than giving citizens at least one health insurance policy they can actually afford.

    “Medicare for all” is **proposed** legislation, that has never been passed, that would eliminate health insurance companies altogether by nationalizing the medical industry so that any and all healthcare is funded with the taxes we already pay the feds every year. It would save hundreds of millions of dollars a year, as confirmed by dozens of highly accredited economists both left and right, and dramatically increase the average health of US citizens.

    This bill has nothing to do with Obamacare, nor Medicare for all. It has everything to do with hospitals being run as businesses, and choosing to charge outrageous amounts for life saving procedures, like your kidney transplant. You know why they do it? Because the only people who can stop them are already bought off.

  • Velcrometer

    Obama care is the Affordable Care Act, NOT Medicare For All. Medicare For All is a proposed Single Payer Healthcare plan very similar to Canada’s & would cover WAY more than Obamacare at a fraction of the price.

  • meshtron

    Guy I used to work out with was a heart surgeon, we often talked about healthcare in general but “Obamacare” in particular. He said that before the ACA, roughly 40% of the invoices his office sent out went unpaid period – not even a dime. Obviously, that raises the prices (by about double) for the other 60% who DID pay. So, from that perspective, the idea of ACA and “everyone has insurance” makes sense.

    The problem was (and is) that nothing happened that actually caused the cost of healthcare to go down. When measured in terms of quality of outcomes vs cost input, the US continues to be one of the worst in the world, and THE worst in the rich world. The machine that adds cost, complexity, and investor-managed controls to our healthcare system is vast, complex, and so far unassailable through legislation. It will and must get fixed, but with our current political climate of populism, soundbyte gamesmanship and hyper-partisan stupidity, we’re not even really looking at it anymore much less have any chance to dismantle it.

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