Friday, April 19All That Matters

Every fall of the players during the Qatar World Cup is a reminder of those who fell constructing it

Every fall of the players during the Qatar World Cup is a reminder of those who fell constructing it

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  • AwayAd9297

    So why are teams just not playing. A simple solution would be no players. No players equals no tournament.

    And it’s bullshit that only now this is getting any kind of challenge. We have known for years now.

  • TikkiTakiTomtom

    So a bit of clarification. People died in the making of this world cup event but its not 13k. That’s false information.

    Edit: false information as in the “numbers are unproven” I don’t doubt the numbers being high but 13k has no basis. I don’t agree with World Cup or even the Olympics’ practices, just saying information that is unproven is information that cant be claimed as “truth”

  • dnkyflffr3

    hate to break it to you guys but the west is complicit in these crimes since we give support and they are our allies. guilt by association so we need to ban NATO EU USA and all other countries who support these tyrants. guilt by association.

  • PoorPDOP86


    Why am I laughing? This is the shallowest, most petty action that could be taken in light of a very serious accusation. An accusation that people globally wouldn’t really give two craps about if they didn’t have to travel to Qatar for their vaunted World Cup. Migrant workers die all the time and not a single tear is shed. Grey and even Black markets still very much exist for underpaid, if not slave, labor and not a single person cares because it is in some other country and we “aren’t supposed to intervene.” We’ve watched the very same people who are so perturbed by slave labor in Qatar complain about trying end wars where child soldiers are Bing drafted in to armies of tyrants. Prisoners of glorious Socilaist regimes are used as workers in factories because the former employees quit. Minorities from countries that are declared not to exist by the central government of a larger ethnic group are used in the same manner to build Olympic facilities.

    But oh no, don’t you bring any of that in to “The People’s Game” of Soccer/Football! The world’s a joke. Keep on protesting but I expect the next time you hear about some violation of human rights (that isn’t something easy and zero risk like telling the US it shouldn’t have the death penalty) you’re going to be Gung ho about stopping it, right?


  • Farren246

    “Remember the workers but don’t you dare refrain from watching the tournament and buying products from all of its investors!”

  • Originalideas

    Tryna give themselves way too much credit for flopping. That’s like me saying “every time I eat Taco Bell while lying in bed, I’m doing it for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.”

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