Empoli gets a win in Napoli with an accidental back header goal
Empoli gets a win in Napoli with an accidental back header goal from sports
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Empoli gets a win in Napoli with an accidental back header goal
Empoli gets a win in Napoli with an accidental back header goal from sports
That’s no accident, cutrone saved Milan from being 3rd
Pretty much sums up Cutrones time at Wolves
Did the defender try and call offsides on that?
Scott Sterling?
I read the title and was like “what’s a back header”? Now I know. No big deal, just the back of this head.
Empoli gets a win in Napoli with a awesome back header goali and then went home and ate Ravioli
When I was a kid this was the kind of shit that would make me try to grab the ball by accident.
He totally meant to do that
If there was ever a need for slow mo. I watched this 13 times and I’m not sure I caught the right sequence. Ball-head-head-ball is about all I saw 😆
Ruined my parlay and then I saw the video on Twitter and laughed at how stupid the goal was because of course I’d lose a bet on some ridiculous nonsense like that, couldn’t even be mad
Dio porco fellow Italian
Imagine being that striker
Shit…. How da fuck hit the back of my head???
Ohhhh shittttt!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Did he say “hacky sack”?
Wow goal of the season