Thursday, April 18All That Matters

Drag is not a crime.

Drag is not a crime.

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    Tell that to the real groomers, projecting their pedophilic tendencies on everything they see that they can’t wrap their fickle, myopic little minds around. West Virgina just rejected a bill to ban child marriages, you know, to protect the children they care so much about.

  • UppruniTegundanna

    On the one hand, kids between the ages of 4-8 or so have just started developing a basic set of expectations around how a person typically dresses based on their sex. Presenting them with an example of someone who bucks that trend, and helps them understand that none of those conventions are *mandatory* is valuable in its own right, to an extent.

    On the other hand, there is an infuriating tendency to play dumb about the potential for inappropriateness; drag has many innocuous guises, but there are also explicitly adult versions of drag, and some people seem compelled to play chicken with the dividing line between these two versions, safe in the knowledge that they can fall back on weak arguments about pantomime, Shakespeare and clowns as a supposed rebuttal.

    It’s all very adolescent in its petulance, and it is hard not to get the impression that – whether concsciously or unconsciously – some people specifically want to elicit concerned or angry responses from people, solely for the purpose of being able to call them bigots and closed-minded. This is a source of a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction for people with a certain mindset.

    The “plausible deniability” arguments often remind me of when a sibling holds their hand right in front of their other sibling’s face while protesting “but I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you!”

    In other areas of life, we understand the value of creating an artificially large safeguarding buffer “just to be safe”: ‘consume by’ dates are always much earlier than they need to be, ‘maximum occupancy’ in elevators are less than they need to be – in both cases we exaggerate the need to keep something within a safe threshold. I would argue that this is another such case: while I don’t think that any child is going to be harmed by seeing a drag queen read a story – or even perform – because there is a fuzzy boundary between innocuous and adult versions of drag, it would be sensible to err on the side of innocuous.

    But people seem compelled to dance towards the boundary line as close as they can.

    I suspect that, in a few years time, even the most staunch supporters of drag queen story hour will look back and think that their insistence on this particular form of educating and entertaining children was all a bit weird.

    Ultimately, it has relatively little value as an educational format for kids. It seems to be more for giving smug parents a feeling of superiority over others that they happily go along with it.

  • davtruss

    Apparently it is in Tennessee, especially if you sing, within a 1000 yards of most any place people go. But I know a good lawyer….

  • IOKTBW-Movement

    Yep, not a crime, protected by our constitution. However, when kids, protected statuses, taxes, professional sports are involved, things get heated.

  • SpecialpOps

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Drag is not a crime.

    But honey, that color lipstick and those earrings? With that dress and those boots?

    *That’s* the only crime I see here.

  • reddit-sucks-ass_

    I don’t understand why all of y’all are so obsessed with drag queens and trans. I’ve met like one trans person in my life. She was very nice.

    Talk about something that doesn’t effect you.

  • DaggerMoth

    Wearing a wig, makeup, and high heels. Makes me ponder. Weren’t the founding fathers doing the same thing. This country was founded by men in drag.

  • SoraUsagi

    We all know that these bills have nothing to do with protecting kids or trans people at all. They are just an easy target to whip up their base and get them to vote in their party. Who shows up overwhelmingly to elections? Seniors. Who is largely against trans? Seniors. You want to stop seeing these bills? Show up to elections. Get your friends to show up to elections. Ect.

  • smooze420

    Drag’s not a crime however children aren’t allowed into strip clubs for a reason. Same should apply for drag shows.

  • backbaygrl

    I cannot conceive of the people of Tennessee allowing a ban on Drag Parades, a felony, BUT allowing white nationalists to parade rights, spewing their injustice & hatred. Such a scary America we are living in right now.

  • willywalloo

    Government is trying to pin child abuse/pedo with the trans community. (Edit: Sexual abusers tend to be straight men.) Instead of going after real problems, they attack a minority that isn’t even connected to crimes.

    “”…[M]ost men who molest little boys are not gay. Only 21 percent of the child molesters we studied who assault little boys were exclusively homosexual. Nearly 80 percent of the men who molested little boys were heterosexual or bisexual and most of these men were married and had children of their own.”


    Males make up 80-90% of pedo cases. And most of the males are normally hetero even if they go after males or females.

    Google search:

  • ZombieDog

    I once saw a Drag Queen wearing a bra that shot out laser beams.

    A bra that shot out laser beams.

    If that’s illegal, then I don’t want to be legal.

  • Pernyx98

    When is reddit going to allow me to block subs from my feed already. Literally all the old subs I used to be involved in have just turned into politics circle jerks that boil down to ‘left good right bad’.

  • qwyjibo219

    A drag show at a bar is completely different from a story time/all ages show. Does no one understand that? An entertainer can change their act based on how they perform.

    A musical artist’s performance can be different for a late night show vs the kids choice awards.

    The only reason a drag show is being discussed is because theyre lgbtq. Its judgey and messed up. No one cares about wrestlers. Cheerleaders. Pop stars. Dancing competition shows.

    Child labor laws were oveturned in Arkansas. Worry about that. Not someone dancing to Britney spears or reading fucking Madeline

  • Jellypope

    Wow comments here remind me of that Southpark episode where everyone thinks they are better than everyone else because they keep smelling their own farts and own Hybrids.

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