Thursday, October 10All That Matters

Coyote J. Calhoun gets Fired from Z-102, Live On The Air

Coyote J. Calhoun gets Fired from Z-102, Live On The Air

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  • roc_10009

    He drops his DJ voice when he realized he’s screwed. He does have a point though, day after day of preprogrammed playlists of middling crap. Although after stunts by guys like Opie and Anthony I wouldn’t be surprised this was staged.

  • Ambivalent14

    It’s my least favorite Pink Floyd album. And I like Madonna. I’m a little confused did he want to play Boston or was he forced to play it?

  • jpiro

    1) I agree with his position. Corporate ownership of stations had a lot to do with watering down music and letting only the blandest of the bland get exposure for a long time.

    2) I do not miss the FM “Rock Shock Jock” shtick at all. Jesus, that crap was unlistenable.

  • danbeardan

    What an incredibly boring ten minutes.

    **Around the 4 minute mark:** host opens a hotline and either his manager calls in or he calls the manager (either way, manager is not pleased).

    **Around the 7 minute mark:** host calls manager back and gets ahold of his wife, makes a weird sex comment and the wife then tells the host that the manager is on his way to the station.

    **Around the 10 minute mark:** the manager has the host forcibly ejected from the studio.

    Jesus Christ I wish I could get that ten minutes back.

  • noodhoog

    This whole thing sounds like a skit. I very much doubt any of this is real. Probably just a dramatic and fun way for the presenter to have his last day if he was leaving the position.

  • pomonamike

    When I was young I listened to “The Regular Guys” on KLSX in LA. One day Larry goes off on an epic rant on how everyone that works there is a stupid asshole. It just kept going and going. I thought it was a hilarious bit.

    Nope, they just got fired. Didn’t come back after the commercial and were never on again.

  • Nulovka

    Clearly a bit considering he even faked his own murder on the air prior to this. From Wikipedia:

    “In one of his most controversial acts, Coyote J faked his own murder on-air, a stunt that led police and paramedics to storm the building expecting to find a knife wielding intruder inside.”

  • pokuss

    I sure do wish djs could pick more of the music rather than a pre determined list. But I haven’t listened to the radio in years thanks to streaming.

  • Enginerd2000

    Note to everyone: This is a bunch of clips from an incident in 1988.

    This has been the problem with radio practically since the first days when music was broadcast all day long. A radio DJ has to tread a fine line. On the one hand, you have consultants who outline a playlist that is designed to attract a certain listenership. This way, the radio station can sell ads to a targeted audience. Ads are what keep the radio station afloat. On the other hand, if the playlist is too repetitive or unoriginal, it annoys the listeners and they go elsewhere.

    The problem is that the consultants are usually third rate marketing nerds who only think they understand who the target demographic really is. They look at statistics of what they listened to in the past and then they try to follow that list on the theory that the songs that worked before will work again.

    What they miss is that while some people just want background noise, others tune to a radio station to hear new or different music. If I wanted a playlist, I’d build a playlist, whether on cassette, CD, flash drive, or Bluetooth (choose your generation). Then I wouldn’t have to listen to all those ads and chatter.

    For many formatted radio stations, the DJ is just there to follow the playlist provided to them by the consultants. It’s sad. Most successful DJs have a pretty good idea of who is listening and what the audience would rather hear. The problem is that DJs also have to market their skills and audience somehow, and there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do that.

    Nevertheless, most radio stations are run by business people, not artists. As one of these owners pointed out many years ago: “I’d play roaring chainsaws all day long if there was money to be made with it.”

    Asking for radio to sound better is like asking why McDonalds doesn’t serve Filet Mignon. That’s not who they are. The best thing you can do to stop this ugly situation is to stop listening. And many are. Give the big middle finger to the advertisers, consultants, and researchers, and walk away.

  • Juris--My--Diction

    If I had to come up with an obnoxiously silly voice for a cartoon DJ character then I would definitely use his. I regret that I listened to this for 10 minutes hoping for some kind of payoff.

    This was just a bit and I feel used.

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