Monday, April 22All That Matters

Bundesliga fans unite in series of protests against Qatar’s human rights record

Bundesliga fans unite in series of protests against Qatar’s human rights record

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  • Runner1409

    “Qatar” and “Human Rights” do not belong in the same sentence, unless followed by “Violation”…


    “Qatar” can be replaced with “UAE”, “Saudi”, “Bahrain” and/or any other Middle Eastern Country that “suddenly” developed from shacks in the dessert to what Dubai and Doha are today, in roughly 40 years.

  • SportsPhotoGirl

    Will do. I will not watch the World Cup in protest against Qatar. I wasn’t going to watch it anyways but now I have a reason for it.

  • drohnenkrieg

    The real soccer-level boycott would be soccer teams playing intentionally bad. Fifa would probably penalize them. Please let Ghana, Tunisia, Senegal, Morocco, or Cameroon be the new World Champions 🙏.

  • Glittering_Sound_377

    The protest should also include fifa. They fine/suspend teams such as mexico everytime their fans use a certain word mistaken for homophobic yet they host thevworld cup in a place where being gay is a crime and they have no rights. Nice double standards.

  • Ciubelinus

    They come to a civilized country, they have all the rights and you have to respect their religion.
    You go to their country, you may or may not have rights and you have to respect their religion.
    You don’t have money, then sorry God does not like you and forbids certain items.
    You are a woman or gay, sorry God does not like you and forbids certain items, sometimes life itself.
    You would have to be a subhuman to support FIFA and what is happening right now, yes.

  • Onatel

    Kind of funny how these authoritarian states expect to have the World Cup give them positive PR just for hosting when it just shows off how shitty those states are.

  • MarcusCaspius

    In apartheid days, sport was boycotted. Funny how the moment the fat cats get involved, all the human rights abuses in Qatar are just glossed over.

  • DreadSeverin

    Yeah 100% not watching a single godamned second of any of it. The week before cups I used to get so hyped, you could feel it in the air. and now, absolutely nothing.

  • SokarRostau

    You know what? This situation really rubs me the wrong way.

    These issues have been known about since before Qatar won the rights to host the World Cup *a decade ago.* People have had a full fucking decade to complain, protest, and make hollow gestures on social media about this but it’s only making the news now that the Cup is about to start. This also happened to be a decade where massive corruption was uncovered within FIFA.

    The people who are bothering to protest now after a decade of inaction and apathy have enabled the very human rights abuses they’re protesting about.

  • Millicent_the_wizard

    Why is every oil/gas rich country in the Middle East so fucking evil? Huge wealth inequality within the population, corruption, human rights violations.

  • ali2107n

    I was expecting some countries at least do this and not attend to World cup. But what they think is respecting their “culture” in reality accepting their inhuman laws instead of fighting as they protest usually. But when it comes to action no effort.

  • CitizenKing

    What’s wild to me is all the “but what about the US?!” deflecting I’m seeing in these threads. As if an unrelated country having a prolonged military conflict means it’s fine to work indentured slaves to death building stadiums.

  • Canadianingermany

    As someone living in Germany I usually watch the world Cup.

    It because I love it, but because it’s a thing here. I won’t be doing it this year.

    Given that there are usually a lot more viewers if the world Cup than national leagues, I am hoping my fellow “world Cup only” viewers at least, all stay away.

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