Monday, September 16All That Matters

British Cuisine – Culinary Atrocities

British Cuisine – Culinary Atrocities

View Reddit by pradeep23View Source


  • Shabingly

    *Puts British “I’m offended” hat on*

    The existence of spray-on cheese nullifies any cuisine related comments someone from the US might make.

    *Removes offended hat*

    I don’t understand our obsession with baked beans.

  • SacramentoChupacabra

    Fucking hell! As an American living in the UK, I rarely have eaten food out at a restaurant/pub that I have actually liked. I will admit that I may be a bit jaded because I moved from Japan to the UK, but fucking hell!!! Every special occasion (father’s day, anniversaries, birthday) the food I order gets messed up somehow. I remember ordering a steak for Father’s Day….no seasoning whatsoever. You all invaded half the world for the spice trade, but never use the spices you taken.

    Okay, rant over.

  • nckmlcbgoahmdpchdf

    Let me save everyone a huge amount of time in this thread and get all of Reddit’s greatest hits out there for everyone:

    “British food bad!”

    “What about curry, fish and chips, the sandwich, Yorkshire pudding, Apple pie, meat pies…”

    “No those don’t count because they’re also eaten elsewhere”

    “The British eat like the Germans are still flying overhead”

    “I haven’t eaten any British food but I read about it and it sounds yucky ew! Beans for breakfast?!”

    “British colonized for spices… then… never used them back home!”

    Yes people eat different things in different places, Wait ’till you find out what a common source of protein is in China…

  • jerrysprinkles

    Hey OP, any chance you could differentiate between England and Britain?

    Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland

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