Tuesday, April 23All That Matters

Brendan Fraser – Surprise Intro before THE MUMMY at The Prince Charles Cinema, London

Brendan Fraser – Surprise Intro before THE MUMMY at The Prince Charles Cinema, London

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  • SynthwaveSax

    He even showed up in costume. Dude is so cool.

    Hey Universal, could we maybe get a proper Mummy 3, with Rachel Weisz and Brendan?

  • uhohdidioffend

    He is so much visibly happier and healthier. I’m happy for him. That guy absolutely always had mega star power. He was underrated as a talent because comedy is always underrated, and I’m glad that that is starting to change in people’s minds. His performance in Bedazzled is an absolute masterclass.

    Just look at those giant wet puppy dog eyes. Most likeable himbo in Hollywood.

  • whitepangolin

    Say what you will about Harrison Ford playing Indiana at 80, at least Lucasfilm knows that so much of the appeal of the Indiana Jones franchise is the star. People want to see *him* as Indiana.

    For the many Indiana Jones type films that followed – *The Mummy*, *Tomb Raider, National Treasure* – all of them were similarly bolstered by their respective charismatic leads – Brendan Fraser, Angelina Jolie, Nicolas Cage. And guess what? All of the respective reboots of those franchises all flopped with a new lead in the role.

    Universal should know that most of the appeal around *The Mummy* is nostalgia and the fondness for Brendan Fraser in the lead role. It’d be great to see him get another go at it – he clearly loves the film and the role.

  • idunupvoteyou

    Can anyone explain WHY we as a collective love and support this guy so much? Like I am even guilty of truly loving everything he has done and am so happy and glad to see him return. Like what the fuck is it? How do we explain it? Like I don’t know anyone who doesn’t give a shit about him and his story and his struggles and how much we love to see him back and being successful. It is so so weird to me. Like with people like Robin Williams or Michael Jackson you get it. They were truly gods of their field. But I feel like Brendan Frasier is somehow different. He wasn’t nearly as big as some movie stars were but he is more loved than most. I cannot explain it.

  • tunamelts2

    Must be something else to be a *beloved* celebrity. Like people just goes crazy showering you with adoration when they see you in the wild.

  • justpayin

    I’m so mad he got his career derailed by not becoming a homosexual sex toy for the Hollywood elites… he was and is a good actor

  • RhinovisionHomeVideo

    The more I see Fraser back out there, the more I wanna see “The Lone Rangers” do a comeback tour.
    Someone gotta get Sandler and Bushemi on the phone and get the band back together.

  • MyStationIsAbandoned

    I would have flipped out. Ever since The Mummy I’ve been a Brendan fan.

    I’m really glad people finally appreciate him. I guess when people are taken away is when most people fully appreciate them

  • bman123457

    I’m glad Brendan Fraser is getting to resume his acting career and be recognized for his talents. I know not many people watched Doom Patrol but Fraser did a great job in that even though he was in a full body costume the entire time.


    It’s amazing how calm and relaxed he is in front of all those people, unfazed and really chilled. So glad he’s having a renaissance.

  • Ddg8796

    Mummy reboot/ sequel with original cast would be awesome.

    Encino Man 2: After 30 years, the cave man Link has become wildly successful and rich with his artwork and modeling. A government agency wants Links body for study for deep sleep. Pauly Shore and Sean Astin reunite to save Link.

    Blast from the Past 2, a Blast to the Future: Fraser who grew up surrounded by old technology is contacted by scientists who discovered a time machine from the 60s. Fraser is the only qualified person to operate the old tech and opens a wormhole. Also, Alicia Silverstone.

    Bedazzled 2: Satan herself, the Elizabeth Hurley, gets a 2nd chance to have Fraser’s soul after a series of bad crypto investments. Matt Damon is the bad guy, tagline “Fortune favors the bold and damned”.

  • LostInStatic

    /r/movies: Why doesn’t Hollywood make anything original anymore?

    Also /r/movies: Daddy Universal, please bring back Brendan Fraser for another Mummy movie to satisfy my nostalgia!

    Yall deserve the way studios treat you

  • YawnDogg

    I really didn’t care that much about the mummy. To me that was the payoff to a well deserved solid long career with amazing results. It was the cherry on top. So glad to see one of my favs back doing what they love

  • BigBuff87

    What is the bar for a standing ovation in London? Would it have killed these people to get out of their seats? The guy showed up in costume for gods sake

  • JJMcGee83

    What I’m realizing watching this is the Uncharted games Nathan Drake’s whole look is basically Brendan Fraser in The Mummy.

  • Chm_Albert_Wesker

    current bendan fraser looks like a spitting image of my boss’s boss’s boss (3 lines above me lol) and I always give a double take when i see him around the office. except I’m sure Brendan is more fun; the guy at work is too stingy with raises lol

  • BKWhitty

    Every time I see him now, he seems happier and healthier than before. It feels so good to see him getting such recognition and being revitalized. Brendan Fraser was a staple of my childhood and it’s heartening to see him again. I’m excited for whatever he does going forward.

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