Wednesday, October 9All That Matters

Barracks life has been tough but I’ve finally made it to the big leagues

Barracks life has been tough but I’ve finally made it to the big leagues

Barracks life has been tough but I’ve finally made it to the big leagues

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  • Jobeza187

    Might need to remove your helmet and those papers let that case breathe. But nice little set up man and thank you for your service. Good luck out there and I hope you’re in aviation.

  • bulletoothjohnny

    Listen up Army, I’m going to give you some sound life advice. Right now, you have no rent, no grocery bill, no utility bill, etc. You have free health, dental, and vision. With the exception of maybe a car payment or something, you’ll never have another period in your life were you’re going to not have to pay bills. Use this time wisely and invest every spare cent you can into an IRA. You don’t even have to know shit about the stock market. Just call up a broker or go online and open an account.

    I did this when I was 22 and back from my first deployment. I watched all my buddies go off and buy all kinds of stupid, expensive shit. I paid off the one credit card I had and cut my truck payment in half. The rest I dumped into money market and IRA accounts at Fidelity. And I continued to dump as much as I could when I could.

    That was almost 20 years ago homie. The amount of wealth you can obtain for your future by doing absolutely nothing more than putting your extra scratch into an investment account over the years is staggering.

    Good luck Army.

    Edit: btw, I’m jealous of that setup. I’m still rocking the previous generations because I can’t find any next gens wherever I go looking.

    Edit: I’ve gotten lots of responses in favor and against. I’ve replied to some but there’s just too many. Ultimately, take this post for what it is… advice. Don’t hate on somebody for trying to help out a fellow military bro get a leg up in this dog shit world we live in. Invest. Don’t invest. Save. Blow it all on hookers and blow. It’s up to you. I just hope none of you end up in the streets, in prison, or having to work a part time job at Walmart when you’re old and should be traveling the world. Blowing retirement. On hookers. And blow.

  • redpandaeater

    I’m just waiting for that one NCO to give you a room inspection and be absolutely appalled at the dust in the inside of your systems and fail you.

  • ukVariable

    Same energy as the private who goes out and immediately buys a car out of his price range because he got a $6k bonus and thinks he’s rich

  • personalhale

    That case is fucking terrible for airflow and you’ve got it next to 2 heat generators. Watch your temps bud.

  • ItsJustPeter

    What’s your reasoning for having both a powerful pc and xbox series x? I currently have a pc and wonder what would be the point in also getting a xbox

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