Thursday, April 18All That Matters

Back in the day….

Back in the day….

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  • Dying_breath

    We had one when I was a kid. Front Line was my favorite game by far. Well, that and Frenzy, but Front Line was better IMO.

  • JTCampb

    Of the Atari 2600, Intellivision and this……..Colecovision had the fastest/best processor if I recall, then rendering the best graphics.

    We had a small shop here where you could rent or buy the games. In fact my old friend from highschool owns a game store where he sells current generation console games (new/used), but he also takes in and refurbishes older systems like the Colecovision, etc and sells them, and from time to time has games for them come in as well.

    My original system was long gone – had issues with it and I am sure my parents just through it out. I ended up buying one from my buddy, but after a year or so I sold it on eBay with the 6 or 7 games I had with it.

    from the top of my head here are the games I had with my original system:

    Ladybug, Carnival, Zaxxon, Venture, Burgertime, Donky Kong, Donky Kong Jr., Miner 2049er, B.C.’s Quest For Tires, Antarctic Adventure, Gyruss, Pepper II (with the zipper rippers), GORF, Smurfs: Rescue in Gargamel’s Castle, Time Pilot, Super Action Baseball (with the gigantic controllers), Q*Bert, PItfall II

    Other games I enjoyed: Gateway to Apshai, Pit Stop (first true F1 sim?), Oil’s Well, Omega Race, Looping, Jumpman Jr.

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