Tuesday, April 9All That Matters

Awesome port

Awesome port

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  • SilentThunder-00

    “The roads to the store aren’t bad. The snowstorm was nothing. Awesome work city.


    F350 Platinum

    Ice chains


  • yeetums64

    what’s next? a 2008 Toyota Corolla with grey khaki interior and silver body and paintjob with 4 seating spots and a rugged trunk that holds only one subwoofer and a can of easy cheese along with a half eaten cracker inside of it?

  • BasicallyWaterMill

    This is obviously dumb but there are people who have massively outdated systems that don’t even meet minimum requirements, then give a negative review for performance.

    Just to add I don’t condone poor performance, but generally there are two extremes of people with great hardware saying it performs with no issues, and those with terrible hardware saying the game isn’t optimised when they don’t even meet minimum spec requirements.

  • Dman93

    This is like a streamer I seen playing yesterday, someone asked him if the game ran well and he said “for me the game runs really well dunno what these people are talking about who say its not a good port”

    Checked his specs below stream and they are similar pc to above. I feel thats a dishonest thing to do to your viewers who most of the time are gonna have a budget pc if they ask this kind of question of you.

  • niiima

    People like this are the reason for shitty PC releases.

    Developers target their hardware and see that they’re happy and continue making unoptimized games.

  • r_brodie33

    In fairness though I’ve been running game completely fine at a similar FPS and graphics mostly on high with a 3070 and R5 5600X.

  • Tenocticatl

    Glad to know it plays well on a $4000 machine that’s basically the most powerful hardware a consumer can buy at the moment. Someone wanted to brag about their very expensive setup I suppose.
    The min spec according to Steam is an i7-4770, 16 GB of RAM and a GTX970. That’s more or less in line with other PS4 ports. I’d be way more interested to know how that performs.

  • LaughAdventureGame

    I was just about to build a new pc when I checked my 5 year old component costs and it was still over 1k just to rebuild my current pc. I’m probably just going to run this poor fella into the ground before justifying a new build.

  • big_bara_tiddies

    Some PC gamers are really funny. I remember when Elden Ring came out and my middle-of-the-range PC (that still comfortably met minimum requirements) was having performance issues that clearly weren’t supposed to be there (like how fiddling with most of the graphics settings would do absolutely nothing with your framerates despite the graphics getting obviously better and worse). I was told in no uncertain terms by someone that since my computer wasn’t bleeding edge I had no right to expect the game worked properly on my machine, that it ran fine on their 11th gen i7 and 3090, and that From Software wasn’t responsible for it.

    Then From patched it to work properly and the game is basically fine.

  • Ponald-Dump

    I saw a post of some dude in the OLED gaming subreddit talking about how good this game plays and how they don’t understand the backlash. They had a 4090. Like how fucking dense are you?

  • TheAhadWhoLaughs

    **This guy after playing in a literal NASA computer:** “I don’t see any lag at all. Why are all these reviewers lying?”

  • mandelmanden

    I’m pretty sure he’s lying though. Just because you have a major system doesn’t mean you aren’t suffering from it. Probably he just doesn’t know what he’s looking at.

  • J0n__Snow

    Typical r/gaming post… You have to dig through half of the comments before you are able to tell which game it is.

    For everyone wondering: The Last of Us

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