Monday, April 1All That Matters

Author: and_a_side_of_fries

Early 90s, Poland. My cousin and I just discovered video gaming on a Famiclone console called Batman that can handle NES cartridges. Many hours were spent on this knock off but it changed our life and provided us with so much entertainment

Early 90s, Poland. My cousin and I just discovered video gaming on a Famiclone console called Batman that can handle NES cartridges. Many hours were spent on this knock off but it changed our life and provided us with so much entertainment

Early 90s, Poland. My cousin and I just discovered video gaming on a Famiclone console called Batman that can handle NES cartridges. Many hours were spent on this knock off but it changed our life and provided us with so much entertainment View Reddit by and_a_side_of_fries - View Source