Saturday, March 23All That Matters

and that’s only if i dont pick up every single cigarette packet

and that’s only if i dont pick up every single cigarette packet

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  • PmMeYourLore

    Even if you don’t have mods to smoke, hoarding cigarettes is essential. Especially the odd lit one and clean ashtray pair, throw a gold lighter on that and even Coastal Cottage feels like the crib

  • RiotSkunk2023

    This has absolutely no value to me. But it would look good on that desk next to my bobblehead stand. Ooo I need that piece for my chessboard on my coffee table!

  • ComplexComfortable48

    That’s funny. I started New Vegas fairly recently and I always carry a cigarette and cigarette pack with me because irl I’ve quit and I hate it and I love smoking.

  • martusfine

    I love games that present these long-form detours.

    The most memorable experience for me was Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and you enter the painting. So, memorable. The Skyrim version when you get drugged is ok, but not as memorable as Oblivion.

  • Fudrucker

    I hoard everything until I’m overloaded all the time, but I’ve never bothered picking up cigs. The materials never seem needed, maybe because I don’t build my own armour?

  • helpfuloats

    I’ve been playing for hours, decorating vault 88. I took a small break to check reddit, saw your post, it’s 6:30am… God help me

  • Freestripe

    I’ve been playing red dead redemption 2 and this has been happening so often. Last night I thought I’d just bag a perfect dear skin quickly before bed, then spent an hour doing unrelated activities.

  • MrVilliam

    Does anybody know of the free PS5 upgrade release date? All I can find are articles from October saying a very vague “2023”. I’m in the middle of my first playthrough on PS5 and some parts are straight up broken. I’m curious whether it’s just higher res textures or if there will be some optimization to make it run properly.

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