Friday, April 12All That Matters

Analyzing Willem Dafoe’s Acting in American Psycho

Analyzing Willem Dafoe’s Acting in American Psycho

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  • rkgk13

    They made so many thoughtful decisions when making this film. It’s one of my favorites despite not thinking it would be my cup of tea going in.

  • TheBrav3LittleToastr

    Its really quite the trip… havent read the book, but the whole thing is based on if he had even killed anyone at all???? Or if the whole thing is just in his mind…. and it never definitively says either way

  • Finch2090

    That’s actually a really good bit of information

    First time I ever watched that movie I was genuinely confused by what angle the detective was coming from

  • JamUpGuy1989

    It’s brilliant to use the “oblivious” takes for the most tense moments of scene #2/3. Bale thinks Dafoe has him but the latter is playing it like he doesn’t have a clue.

    I never knew this fact going in but man it makes a great movie even better.

  • 3Dartwork

    Interesting takes. I always felt Kimbal knew in every shot that Bateman did it. His Oblivious side to me was just his personality trying to be good cop to bring it out of him, using sarcasm when they both knew Kimbal knew. I never felt him acting truely oblivious, always knowing and just trying to get Bateman to confess

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