Tuesday, April 16All That Matters

Ads like this should be illegal (Cathedral of Barcelona)

Ads like this should be illegal (Cathedral of Barcelona)

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  • BuffaloInCahoots

    Looks like construction or repair. Samsung is probably covering some or all of it. If things like this bug you, consider donating or have a fundraiser. Other than that it’s up to the church to do whatever they want.

  • i_fuckin_luv_it_mate

    I mean, if God uses the Galaxy S23, who are we to say they can’t be proud of that, and put up a sign on their house? God communicates in mysterious ways, no?

    Also, if we’re being technical, it should already be zoned as a commercial property…

  • JigglyCupcakes

    I was in Barcelona a few months ago and asked the walking guide about this. He said that Samsung was financing the restorations and this was a condition of the funding. Still an eye sore.

  • Sanity_LARP

    There’s scaffolding so your pic would be “ruined” anyways. Thankfully there are already 10 billion pics of that cathedral so you can just edit it.

  • McPresh

    Saw this in Italy a lot. These places are hundreds, if not thousands of years old, and need constant maintenance and restoration. As you could imagine, it is very expensive considering the materials and labor and expertise involved. Often times, corporations will fund some it not all of the repairs, with the condition that they get to advertise by stretching a canvas across the scaffolding. It’s definitely ugly, but I think the ends justify the means in this case to preserve history.

  • him999

    Samsung is financing the restoration. Their stipulation was an advertisement like this. It’s weird but understandable. It’s a bit of charity but they are still getting their name slapped on it for a while. I would like to see it say something like “restorations funded by Samsung” instead of such an invasive ad but you gotta get the funding somewhere. If Samsung wanted to renovate my house for me and all i had to do was put up a Samsung ad on my house until it was completed, i would be stupid not to.

    I’m sure Samsung gave more money to the project than they would have been able to independently raise.

  • bergous

    I was in Paris recently and the reconstruction of the louvre is being partially paid for by apple, so they have this MASSIVE iPhone ad up covering the construction. Honestly not the WORST thing to see but it certainly is an eyesore.

  • fast_hand84

    This is a very common practice with commercial construction & restoration…the real eyesore is hidden behind the sign.

    Once completed, it also makes the unveiling of the restored fascia much more dramatic.

    EDIT: My comment is not about the advertisement, I was just hoping to provide some context for the screen being up.

  • Taliakon

    When you take a step back, It’s seriously not a big deal. Renovation scaffold on historical architecture are always ugly. So adding an AD to it doesn’t really matter.

  • Pigeon_Chess

    Maybe people should donate more to finance repairs then… it’s on scaffolding that’s up while repairs are being made. It will be taken down afterwards

  • GingerSnapBiscuit

    The only reason this ad is allowed to exist is the ongoing restoration work on the cathedral, and in fact this ad probably pays for a not insignificant proportion of that work.

  • Jedi_Gill

    If you look carefully the building is still under construction so while I agree if the building was clean this sign would be a sore to seem all this sign is blocking is ugly construction anyway. In the end since they are paying for it, it would be ugly and unfinished for much longer so I honestly don’t have a problem with this AD. It could be so much worse.

  • A_Spork_N_The_Road

    Wait until American churches figure out they can make money off of billboards on their buildings tax-free. Only a matter of time.

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